This route is covered 24 hours a day. Between 1am and 6am the 74 runs as the N74 night bus and the route is extended to [Roehampton]? (thus making the N74 a sort of combination of the 74 and the 430).
- On the northbound journey to Baker Street, if you get off at the first signed Marble Arch stop, be mindful that you will need to walk through the subway system. Better use the next stop on [Portman Street]? if you want Oxford Street.
- The northbound route runs up [Gloucester Place]? which has very few shops.
- It terminates on Marylebone Road between Glos. Place and Baker St, making it a short walk to Baker Street Station or Marylebone Station.
- going along Earl's Court Road
- [Bus Stop 7908]? (Earl's Court Station Stop A towards Chelsea, Putney or Victoria)
- Cashpoints, Subway sandwich shop, Thresher offlicence, Chinese takeaway are right beside the stop on the same side of the road.
- Strada, Pizza Express
- turns into Old Brompton Road
- [Bus Stop 7F09]? (Redcliffe (?) Gardens, routes served: 74, C3, N74, N97)
- Bar Japan sushi restaurant
- Troubadour deli (bob has recommended this(Actually i recommended the cafe --bob)
- Troubadour Cafe
- Oddbins
- Brompton's (club)
- [Bus Stop 7F08]? (West Brompton Station Stop O towards Putney, routes served: 74, N74, N97, request stop)
- West Brompton Station
- Earl's Court Two conference centre
- Golden Horn pub
- Imperial Arms pub
- Lillie Langtry, SW6 1UE
- Bus Stop (unknown ID) (Ongar Road Stop BB towards Hammersmith or Putney, routes served: 74, 190, 430, N74, N97)
- at some point here Old Brompton Road becomes Lillie Road
- bus stop on other side
- [Bus Stop 6D03]? (North End Road towards Hammersmith or Putney, routes served: 74, 190, 430)
- I Grizard hand and power tools (recommended by bob)
- The Lily Tandoori Restaurant
- Junction with North End Road
- Russian Deli
- Tandoori Garden
- Cafe Yadana
- Patrick's Toys toyshop (ask bob about this)
- Chrysanthemum Chinese takeaway
- Anchor fish & chip shop
- Bus Stop (ID unknown) (Mulgrave Road, request stop, routes served: 74, 190, 430, 800 (Mon-Fri eve only), N74, N97)
- [Normand Park]?
- Jack Beard at the Norman Arms - pub with Thai food
- Fulham Pools leisure centre
- [Bus Stop 6G06]? (Tilton Street towards Hammersmith or Putney, request stop, routes served: 74, 190, 430, 800 (Mon-Fri eve only), N74, N97)
- Montessori day nursery
- Lots of antique shops
- [Curious Science]?
Seems to be no corresponding stop in this direction.
- Bus Stop (unknown ID) (Fulham Cross towards Earls Court, routes served: 74, 190, 430, N74, N97)
- Junction with Munster Road/Dawes Road, Twynholm Baptist Church, Delitalia Italian deli
- Seven Stars Chinese takeaway (offlicense - Lillie Liquor Mart - a few doors down too)
- [Bus Stop 6G04]? (Fulham Cross towards Hammersmith or Putney, not a request stop, routes served: 74, 190, 211, 295, 424, 430, 800 (Mon-Fri eve only), N11, N97)
- [Bus Stop 6G04]? (Bothwell Street towards Fulham or West Brompton, routes served: 74, 190, 211, 295, 424, 430, N11, N74, N97)
- Park - not sure what it's called, joins on to [Fulham Cemetery]?
- turns left from Lillie Road on to Fulham Palace Road
- turns right from Fulham Palace Road on to Lillie Road.
(The wait at this junction is really quite long, in both directions. If you want the next stop, might be best to get off at the previous and walk)
- Alternative health centre place - see
- Public toilet (pay 20p, automated, never used it)
- Bus Stop (unknown ID) (Lillie Road towards Roehampton or Wandsworth, request stop, routes served: 74, 200, 424, 430, N10, N74)
- [Bus Stop 6G03]? (Lillie Road towards Fulham or Hammersmith, routes served: 74, 220, 424, 430, N10, N74)
- [Bus Stop 6G02]? (Fulham Cemetery (Kenyon Street) towards Roehampton or Wandsworth, request stop, no shelter, routes served: 74, 220, 430, N10, N74)
- [Bus Stop 6G02]? (Kenyon Street (Fulham Cemetery) towards Earls Court or Hammersmith, routes served: 74, 220, 430, N10, N74, request stop)