This is the historical archive of the now-inactive 'grubstreet' list.
Discussion on OpenGuides development has now moved to OpenGuides-Dev. Discussion on The Open Guide to London now takes place on OpenGuides-London.

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[grubstreet] Announcing VCS::Lite version 0.01

* This is the module which does in-memory diff, patch and merge.
Ivor Williams 17:19 on 09 Jan 2003

[grubstreet] version 1.01

* Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
Ivor Williams 23:35 on 12 Jan 2003

[grubstreet] Apache conf

* --===============25376712690530123==
Ivor Williams 13:17 on 18 Jan 2003
* Fixed now. Thanks for bringing it up.
Earle Martin 01:52 on 19 Jan 2003

[grubstreet] Grubstreet outage - update

* T T T L Some of you may have noticed that grubstreet's been inaccessible since
Kate L Pugh 16:45 on 21 Jan 2003
* | | | | I hoovered the Grubstreet RecentChanges to my offline clone over the weekend.
Ivor Williams 16:57 on 21 Jan 2003
 * | | | Pardon a new user's ignorance: in what format are the data stored, and
Roger Burton West 17:03 on 21 Jan 2003
  * | | I gather that Tantrix's ISP does do backups, see
Ivor Williams 17:19 on 21 Jan 2003
   * | Um, well, I don't know anything about this for certain but from speaking to
Alex McLintock 18:25 on 21 Jan 2003
    * Erm... it seems to be back.
Roger Burton West 22:25 on 24 Jan 2003

[grubstreet] Revision history

* It may be possible to tune or disable this forgetting with config params, but
Ivor Williams 14:16 on 22 Jan 2003
* I just skimmed the source quickly now; the config variable seems to be
Kate L Pugh 17:16 on 22 Jan 2003

[grubstreet] Tagline

* --
Earle Martin 16:35 on 25 Jan 2003

[grubstreet] Calendar pages

* T L But, there's no reason why we shouldn't have some pages about annual events,
Ivor Williams 11:19 on 28 Jan 2003
* | | Seems reasonable - to be updated with specific dates when those dates
Roger Burton West 11:24 on 28 Jan 2003
 * | I have been considering calendars for some time in relation to book
Alex McLintock 13:02 on 28 Jan 2003
  * wrote:
Ivor Williams 13:05 on 28 Jan 2003

[grubstreet] Search version 1.01

* Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Ivor Williams 15:51 on 30 Jan 2003

[grubstreet] Grubstreetalikes, vol. 2

* The Open Source Guide to Columbus
Earle Martin 03:18 on 04 Feb 2003

[grubstreet] Search script V1.02: Prettify and use stylesheet

* --
Ivor Williams 16:35 on 07 Feb 2003

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