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RE: [grubstreet] Grubstreet outage - update

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From: Ivor Williams
Subject: RE: [grubstreet] Grubstreet outage - update
Date: 17:19 on 21 Jan 2003
On Tuesday, January 21, 2003 5:04 PM, Roger Burton West 
[] wrote:
> Pardon a new user's ignorance: in what format are the data stored, and
> would it be possible to do automatic periodic backups? (Considering last
> September's problems as well...)

I gather that Tantrix's ISP does do backups, see

In terms of the underlying data platform, Grubstreet is a Usemod wiki, which 
uses flat files. However, Kake is working on a replacement using CGI::Wiki, to 
use MySQL - which could also use PostgreSQL or DBD::SQLLite.

Hope this helps,


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