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RE: [grubstreet] Grubstreet outage - update

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From: Ivor Williams
Subject: RE: [grubstreet] Grubstreet outage - update
Date: 16:57 on 21 Jan 2003
On Tuesday, January 21, 2003 4:45 PM, Kate L Pugh [SMTP:kake@xxxxx.xx] wrote:
> The grubstreet clone is still available at
> if you want to look stuff up, though the data is a few weeks old.
> It also looks a bit funny because I had to turn off the stylesheet,
> since that lives on the server that we can't get to.

I hoovered the Grubstreet RecentChanges to my offline clone over the weekend. 
If you want, I can refresh the RecentChanges into your copy this evening if you 
want me to.


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