This is the historical archive of the now-inactive 'grubstreet' list.
Discussion on OpenGuides development has now moved to OpenGuides-Dev. Discussion on The Open Guide to London now takes place on OpenGuides-London.

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[grubstreet] OpenGuides release?

* I would really like to release this onto CPAN ASAP. I talked to Earle
Kate L Pugh 14:11 on 26 Apr 2003

[grubstreet] CPAN Upload: K/KA/KAKE/OpenGuides-0.04.tar.gz

Kate L Pugh 21:39 on 29 Apr 2003
* indeeed.
Bob Walker 00:15 on 30 Apr 2003
* Fixed in 0.06
Kate L Pugh 21:17 on 02 May 2003
* OK, fixed in CGI::Wiki 0.32 - that was quite a tricky one actually,
Kate L Pugh 23:02 on 02 May 2003

[grubstreet] bugs and a feature request :)

* L Now a feature request. While we may now how to create new pages thru the
Bob Walker 01:01 on 30 Apr 2003
* | Fixed this. Have also fixed the bug where even if you said "call my
Kate L Pugh 18:54 on 02 May 2003
| * That's a very good idea. Earle, can you send me a copy of please?
Kate L Pugh 23:40 on 02 May 2003
*  From: "Kate L Pugh" <kake@xxxxx.xx>
Ivor Williams 00:55 on 03 May 2003

[grubstreet] OpenGuides 0.08 - fuzzy title matching

* The URL
Kate L Pugh 20:20 on 03 May 2003

[grubstreet] Commercial invasion?

* T L
Earle Martin 16:06 on 15 May 2003
* | | I'd say no. It's advertising. If GS accepts that, then no page on GS can
Roger Burton West 16:22 on 15 May 2003
 * | I'm not sure. One bit of me says that as long as it's a clearly marked out
Marna Gilligan 16:38 on 15 May 2003
 | * Oh. Actually, I JFDIed and renamed it to Cucina, SE1 2EL, and
Kate L Pugh 16:45 on 15 May 2003
 *  This becomes a philosophical question, of course. We've said, in effect,
Roger Burton West 16:47 on 15 May 2003

Re: [grubstreet] Commercial invasion?

* If there's a grubstreet "this is an advertisment" logo/box/frame, then
Dan Sheppard 16:27 on 15 May 2003

[grubstreet] Fwd: About Grubstreet

* Date: Thu, 22 May 2003 01:06:23 +0100
Earle Martin 10:46 on 22 May 2003

[grubstreet] OpenGuides feature request

* I like this idea. Anyone feel like implementing it for OpenGuides? :)
Kate L Pugh 20:01 on 04 Jun 2003

[grubstreet] [OT] Usemod wiki

* This isn't really a Grubstreet question but more a CGI::Wiki question about
Alex McLintock 13:15 on 06 Jun 2003

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