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Re: [grubstreet] CPAN Upload: K/KA/KAKE/OpenGuides-0.04.tar.gz

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: Re: [grubstreet] CPAN Upload: K/KA/KAKE/OpenGuides-0.04.tar.gz
Date: 23:02 on 02 May 2003
On Fri 02 May 2003, Kate L Pugh <kake@xxxxx.xx> wrote:
> Very good point - that's a CGI::Wiki thing and was put in there before
> I'd even thought of using metadata.  I'm looking at that next.

OK, fixed in CGI::Wiki 0.32 - that was quite a tricky one actually,
only triggered when index_node was called on a Search::InvertedIndex
backend.  Spent about an hour faffing with the tests to get them to
pass/fail as expected before I even wrote any code!

OpenGuides 0.07 will require CGI::Wiki 0.32 but I'll do a bit more
hacking on it before I release it - it's a fairly trivial change to
make a whole new release for given that you can fix the problem
separately just by upgrading CGI::Wiki.


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