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Re: [grubstreet] Commercial invasion?

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From: Marna Gilligan
Subject: Re: [grubstreet] Commercial invasion?
Date: 16:38 on 15 May 2003
> Do we want this? It's commercial advertising, but they're very polite. And
> they say "15% discount to all new customers who mention 'grubstreet' when placing an
> order"! How about that? Perhaps we should mix it into a page with a review of Cucina.
> (We have a "Cucina" already, but it seems to be a different one.)

I'm not sure. One bit of me says that as long as it's a clearly marked out
a piece of self-promotion then it's ok. But another bit of me thinks that
it's out of place.

If we were to say 'No self-promoting' then there's more of a possibility
that it will be done by stealth - inserting glowing reviews of their
premises instead. And that's going to be a lot harder to spot and weed
out. Dunno, really.

Mind, that pizza place seem to deliver to my home, so I might be tempted
to try them out some day.


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