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[grubstreet] OpenGuides release?

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: [grubstreet] OpenGuides release?
Date: 14:11 on 26 Apr 2003
I would really like to release this onto CPAN ASAP.  I talked to Earle
about this on IRC, and there are two options:

 - I release it under my CPAN ID (KAKE) with appropriate credits to
   all three of us who worked on it of course
 - we apply for an OPENGUIDES CPAN ID and upload it under that

I'm for the first option;

(a) it's less hassle (and we can always get an OPENGUIDES ID and put
it under that later on);

(b) I've done most of the hacking on the main script so will likely be
able to respond to queries and bug reports faster, and get new releases
out quickly.

If Earle and Ivor could look at the tarball and give me the OK, I'll
get it out there straight away.  Release early release often, and all that.

now turning mind to slowness of RecentChanges

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