The Open Guide to London: the free London guide - Differences between Version 2 and Version 1 of New To London/Easily Made Mistakes

Contents are identical

London has some peculiarities in how parts of it are named, which can catch out those who are new to London.

  • Edgware is nowhere near the Edgware Road. Generally, "X Road" means "the road that goes to X"; by the time it gets to X, it'll have changed its name to be "(where you started from) Road". This doesn't generally apply to names ending in street, though. Go figure.

Tube bloopers

  • Always use the full name of the station when buying a ticket, i.e. Leicester Square, Piccadilly Circus, not Leicester or Piccadilly. The exception to this rule is King's Cross St Pancras, which is unambiguously abbreviated to King's Cross.
    • There is an urban legend tale of an American tourist being sold a ticket to Manchester Piccadilly, when they wanted a ticket to Piccadilly Circus.
  • Do not take the Tube between Leicester Square and Piccadilly Circus — it is quicker to walk.
    • Ditto Leicester Square and Covent Garden — the train barely has time to speed up on leaving one before it needs to slow down for the other.
    • Ditto Bayswater and Queensway, which the tube map would have you believe are two trains and an interchange apart, but are in fact only 150 yards away from each other - on the same side of the same street.
  • Bank and Monument stations are actually only one station - with internal interchanges and two different names at the platform.

Can anybody think of any others?

Confusing terminology

English language usage has evolved differently, on each side of the Atlantic. An American may be used, in a restaurant, to settling the check with a bill, whereas in England, you can pay your restaurant bill with a cheque.

  • Subway - In England, a subway is a pedestrian walkway which takes you underneath a busy road. There is no Tube station there unless the signs indicate this.

See this page on Everything2 for more examples of confusing terms.

Other mistakes

A commonly made mistake is to assume the most ornate bridge with the lifting spans is London Bridge. It's not, it's Tower Bridge. London Bridge is a plain structure.

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