Historical version 1 of Deliverance (view current version)

  • 0800 019 1111 (South West), 0800 019 2222 (Central), 0800 019 3333 (West)
  • Delivery only
  • 5pm - 11pm (11.30pm weekends in some areas)

Basic details

Deliverance deliver a wide variety of different types of cuisine (Chinese, Indian, Thai, European, Italian, Sushi, salads, puddings), plus wine, beer, and videos. They have 3 kitchens, South West, Central, & West London, & so deliver to a fairly large portion of the centre of the city - delivery zones here.

Prices are reasonable-to-slightly-high (Indian veggie courses just under a fiver, meat around �7; Chinese similar; 11" pizza �7.40 - �9.70) but you benefit from not having to stick to a single cuisine.

Our reviews

The food is good. And they have vegan food. I can vouch for their (veggie) pizza and Tarka Dhal with rice. I keep meaning to try other things but getting drawn back to the dhal instead... Others have seemed similarly impressed with meat-based stuff. Juliet

This is version 1 (as of 2003-09-15 16:33:21). View current version.