Historical version 1 of Nincomsoup, EC1Y 1BE (view current version)
- (020) 7490 4635
- 5-7, St Agnes Well, Old Street Station (map of this place)
- EC1Y 1BE
- nincomsoup.co.uk
Soup shop located beneath Old Street Roundabout - entrance via Old Street Station approach.
This is a stub page for Earle to update :)
A couple of links:
- http://www.throwingbeans.org/rec/haddock_missionary.html has a couple of photos
- http://www.channel4.com/life/microsites/V/vee-tv/archive2/issues09.html has an article about the owners of the place - one of them is deaf so they're making an effort to have the place be deaf-friendly.
OS X co-ord:
OS Y co-ord:
This is version 1
(as of 2003-10-16 10:42:38).
View current version.