Historical version 2 of Millennium Bridge (view current version)
=== The Wobbly Bridge ==
Millennium Bridge and Tate Modern (photo by aegidian)
The BBC has an analysis.
It's worth noting that Foster admitted that he'd overruled the objections of his engineering staff. He only admitted this once, and everyone seems conveniently to have forgotten it since. -- Roger
I think the Gateshead Millennium Bridge is much better. --Earle
I walked across the bridge the last evening it was open, and it wasn't swaying noticably (although the traffic on it was very light); it's remarkably open and a very pleasant piece of architecture. For what it's worth, I agree the technical problems couldn't have been foreseen. -- Blech
I very much enjoyed the experience of walking this bridge in March 2002. It was a grey, overcast day when we crossed, but it was still breathtaking. The Thames is a huge river at this point and the bridge is not that wide. At the centre you have the marvelous St Pauls to one side, the astonishing Tate Modern to the other and before and aft of you is the murky brown bredth of London's river. The momment was quite something. It is equally interesting to note that the bridge was quite busy yet there were few who just stood still to enjoy the view - which is amazing. No noticable sway, though there was the constant vibration of peoples feet -- Robin
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