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Re: [grubstreet] Re: Wiki Discussion/Pages For Pages Sake

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From: Roger Burton West
Subject: Re: [grubstreet] Re: Wiki Discussion/Pages For Pages Sake
Date: 22:55 on 03 Apr 2003
>Neither. We're trying to be a guide for an entire city. Food and drink are
>only part of our scope, although they currently make up the majority of what
>we have.

What I use Grubstreet for at the moment is (a) to answer questions of
the form "I'm going to go to X with some friends; where nearby is a
decent pub?"; and (b) to tell said friends where the pub is in a single
URL rather than separate full-name, address, streetmap, travel
directions, and so on.

(For "pub" read also "restaurant", of course; and the concept could be
extended further while remaining essentially consistent with my current
usage pattern.)

I'm still thinking about doing a "pubs guide" site of my own, with much
more specialised detail (e.g. "which beers were on at this date, how
well-kept, and how much did each of them cost?") but for a much smaller
set of data (pubs I consider worth visiting). I don't think there'd be
much competition between this hypothetical site and Grubstreet.


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