The Open Guide to London: the free London guide - Differences between Version 7 and Version 4 of Village Games

Version 7 Version 4
== Line 7 ==
== Line 8 == == Line 10 ==
category='Games Shops,Shopping'
edit_type='Normal edit

Village Games is a tiny shop that sells mathematical toys, board games, puzzles, dice, playing cards, magic amusements, twiddly thingumabobs and other whatnots and a whole lot of books about maths and language and puzzles and science and the like. It's lovely.

Excellent!! I _love_ the village games shop. It's always on the agenda when I'm around Camden Lock. I'm pleased to see that I am not alone in appreciating the merchandise. --IvorW Well recommended to anyone visiting Camden - My only complaint is that this shop isn't big enough!. -- AlexMcLintock

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