The Open Guide to London: the free London guide - Differences between Version 2 and Version 1 of Tiffin Bites, W1F 0TH

Version 2 Version 1
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Tiffin Boxes are the lunchtime choice in India, apparently. Ferried from wives to husband by roving gangs of Tiffin Wallahs.
Tiffin Boxes are the lunchtime choice in Inida, apparently. Ferried from wives to husband by roving gangs of Tiffin Wallahs.
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Wraps look appealing and range from a Malabar Prawn Wrap through Kashmiri Lamb, Thai Green Chicken, Vietnamese Duck and various vegetarian options. Salads are either Moroccan Chicken with Cous-cous or Indonesian gada-gado. Wraps range from 2.70 UKP to 2.95 UKP. Salads are 3.45 UKP.
Wraps look appealing and rnage from a Malabar Prawn Wrap through Kashmiri Lamb, Thai Green Chicken, Vietnamese Duck and various vegetarian options. Salads are either Moroccan Chicken with Cous-cous or Indonesian gada-gado. Wraps range from 2.70 UKP to 2.95 UKP. Salads are 3.45 UKP.
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Tiffin Boxes are the lunchtime choice in Inida, apparently. Ferried from wives to husband by roving gangs of Tiffin Wallahs.

Or so the blurb goes in the leaflet from Tiffin Bites.

In reality what you get is a sort of a convenience Indian takeaway - a Pret A Manger for curry.

There are three main eating options - Tiffin Boxes, Wraps and Salads. Tiffin Boxes consist of a main curry, a vegetable side and some rice. A naan is optional. You select your combo from the chiller cabinet and then either have it heated for you (and incur a VAT charge) or take it away and heat it yourself. I found the currys a touch bland but otherwise passable. These are either 4.45 UKP or 4.95 UKP. Naan (plain, garlic or peshwari) is an extra 1.30 UKP.

Wraps look appealing and rnage from a Malabar Prawn Wrap through Kashmiri Lamb, Thai Green Chicken, Vietnamese Duck and various vegetarian options. Salads are either Moroccan Chicken with Cous-cous or Indonesian gada-gado. Wraps range from 2.70 UKP to 2.95 UKP. Salads are 3.45 UKP.

There's also a range of 'Indian Street Food' such as Samosas, Bhajis and Pakoras for 60p each or 1.50 UKP for three.

They also sell cakes and various coffees, teas, chai or hot chocolate.

There's a branch in Cannon Street, EC4.

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