The Open Guide to London: the free London guide - Differences between Version 8 and Version 6 of South Bank Centre

Version 8 Version 6
== Line 0 == == Line 0 ==
The South Bank centre comprises three concert halls: the Royal Festival Hall, the Queen Elizabeth Hall and the Purcell Room, the Hayward Gallery and the National Film Theatre.
The south Bank centre comprises 3 concert halls and the Hayward Gallery
== Line 7 == == Line 7 ==
edit_type='Minor tidying'
edit_type='Normal edit'
== Line 11 == == Line 11 ==
== Line 13 == == Line 13 ==
locale='South Bank,Southwark,Waterloo'
locale='South Bank,Southwark'

The south Bank centre comprises 3 concert halls and the Hayward Gallery

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