The Open Guide to London: the free London guide - Differences between Version 2 and Version 1 of Jeremy Bentham

Contents are identical

Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) was a philosopher, most famous for the doctrine of Utilitarianism. This suggests that we should choose actions that maximise the greatest good (or happiness) of the greatest number. Bentham wrote a great deal of books, pamphlets and letters, covering many areas of philosophy, legal reform and social reform.

Bentham is believed by many to have founded University College London, but actually he had no part in it. However, many of UCL's founders were profoundly influenced by his writing, and he still plays a part in UCL today. His fully-clothed skeleton, with a wax head, is still on display as the "Auto-Icon" at UCL, and he is listed as "present but not voting" at the college's Council meetings. A reproduction of his bust is also on display upstairs in the pub that bears his name.

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