The Open Guide to London: the free London guide - Differences between Version 6 and Version 3 of Jack The Ripper

Contents are identical

A series of particularly nasty murders took place in the Whitechapel area in the autumn of 1888.

At least five (possibly more) prostitutes were killed in the space of a few weeks - Polly Nichols, Annie Chapman, Liz Stride, Catherine Eddowes and Mary Kelly.

One popular theory (see From Hell) is that it was a Masonic plot to cover up the marriage (and subsequent daughter) of the Duke of Clarence and a shop assistant called Annie Crook. There are a number of suspects depending on which theory you subscribe to.

Various companies offer Ripper Walks around the East End to the scenes of the crimes which stretch from Aldgate East to Whitechapel via places like Brick Lane and the old Smithfield Market.

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