The Open Guide to London: the free London guide - Differences between Version 4 and Version 3 of Give Away Your Travelcard

Version 4 Version 3
== Line 14 ==

Somebody gave their travelcard to me once. I used it without thinking about it properly and felt terribly terribly guilty afterwards. I am not sure this is a good thing to do. The travelcard is sold for use by one person only. --[[Kake]]

== Line 22 == == Line 19 ==

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Do you ever use one-day Travelcards? If so, what do you do with them when you're finished with them? I'll hazard a guess at a couple of possibilities:

  • You leave it in your pocket, whereupon you find it the next day and throw it away.
  • You throw it in the first bin you see after getting off the train or bus.

I used to do both of these on a regular basis. But a very good friend of mine suggested something better: why not give it away? Find someone who's about to buy a ticket from one of the ticket machines, tap them on the shoulder, and say: "Excuse me, I don't need my Travelcard any more. You can have it for free."

It's important to stress free, because otherwise your chosen recipient might think you're a tout. In fact, they almost always do, until you say that magic free word. Then watch the smile appear on their face. I tend to pick people who look like they need it, perhaps because they're having a bad day.

Try it. I promise, you'll like it. -- Earle

I do this too. Be aware, though, it is still technically fraud, and doing LRT out of revenue. So definately pick someone who looks as if they most need it, and not in front of LRT staff... ;-)

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