The Open Guide to London: the free London guide - Differences between Version 19 and Version 18 of Cycling

Version 19 Version 18
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There are plenty of traffic free or traffic-light cycle routes in London - and knowing the short-cuts can make crossing the metropolis a fun, quick and safe experience.

Personally, I recommend the canal towpaths. They're well maintained and you no longer need a towpath cycling permit from British Waterways. Cycling along these paths you can get from the outskirts to the centre of town in under an hour (faster than the buses). -- Aegidian

Most people, however, still use the main streets for most of their journeys, and if you are a reasonably skilled and confident cyclist these can be an excellent way of getting from A to B swiftly. The main drawback is when the main roads have been engineered only with motor traffic in mind, eg the big one-way systems like Aldgate and Hammersmith. Fortunately there is now a trend towards returning these systems to two-way working, eg the Shoreditch Triangle.

Why not do something radical and different and have legal lighting on your cycle? All you need is a steady light at the front and a steady or blinking light at the rear. I know this is terminally unfashionable - but you never know, you might start a trend.

Lights are definitely a good idea, though sarcasm may not be the best way to encourage people to fit them. The law says that your main back light has to be steady, not flashing. You can add a flashing light as a secondary feature if you want, but it does tend to give a rather panicky impression, and may make it more difficult for people to judge your distance.

Pass the time on those long, dangerous bike rides around the capital by trying to be sarcastic for the whole trip.

Reporting defective roads/pavements is most easily done centrally via Transport for London's Streetfaults service. Most London boroughs have a Cycling Officer who can give advice on local cycling routes (and may have cycling maps available), training and local events - contact the respective borough.

If you do cycle, do yourself a colossal favour and get hold of the relevant London Cycle Guides; they're excellent bike maps, produced by Transport for London with some help from the London Cycling Campaign. In fact, get them even if you don't cycle - they're basically the A to Z in single-sheet form, with bike routes highlighted. Order them online (see below) or pick them up at railway stations (London Underground stations all carry the local map - look in their leaflet rack - and information desks at major mainline stations carry the complete set).

I'll add for now rather than rewrite the whole page, but the latter would be preferable long term...

Cycle recommendations - many commuters, including myself, prefer drop-handlebars for speed and comfort - a good s/h touring bike is strong, light and if lucky aboput the price of a cheap hybrid from a high-st chain. Any bike is better than none, but big thick tyres will slow you down, particularly if not pumped up regularly. Oil the chain and check brakes; you'll be amazed how much a bike overhaul will improve your journey. Good lights are essential - use rechargeable batteries - even Argos do a sealed lead-acid kit for �35 now. Respect other road users and (hopefully) they will respect you. Be seen to flout the highway code, and life gets worse for everyone. Red lights mean it is dangerous to cross; busy junctions are a place where rebellion is not cool in any form. Ride confidently and assertively - you're a vehicle with rights. Pannier bags are far more comfortable than a rucksack or shoulder bag - car boot sales are great places for bike bits like this.


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