The Open Guide to London: the free London guide - Differences between Version 3 and Version 2 of Buckingham Arms, SW1H 9EU

Version 3 Version 2
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*Nearest Tube Station: [[St James's Park Station|St James's Park]]
*Nearest Train Station:: [[Victoria Station|Victoria]]

One of two pubs in london to have been in all editions of the [[Category Good Beer Guide|Good Beer Guide]].

==== Drinks ====

Beer was tasty and normal [[Young's]] prices. They had the full range on.

==== Food ====

Food was also tasty if not a touch basic (Fried or microwaved it would seem). The burger was homemade and very tasty. [[Kake]] had issues with nachos and chilli. The large bowl of chips at �1.85 [Dec 2004] was very good and cheapish. Food is served until 21:00

==== Layout ====

Notable for the corridor behind the bar which can be used for drinking in. This is useful in the early evening when the pubs gets quite busy with Civil Servants form the surrounding buildings before they head off home via [[Victoria Station| Victoria]] and [[Waterloo Station| Waterloo]]. Things quieten down by about 20:00

==== Facilities ====

The ladies toilet is on the first floor. The mens toilet is on the gorund floor and is adequate.

One of three pubs in london to have been in all editions of the [[Category Good Beer Guide|Good Beer Guide]].
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One of three pubs in london to have been in all editions of the Good Beer Guide.

List all versions