The Open Guide to London: the free London guide - Differences between Version 9 and Version 6 of Acton Sewing And Knitting Centre

Version 9 Version 6
== Line 3 ==

This haberdashery has gone, and been replaced by a newsagent. The sign is still there, but probably not for long. This is the brutal economics of Acton High Street. Apparently, the shops pay roughly the same rent as Ealing Broadway. It's not the first establishment the High Street has lost. </rant> --[[IvorW]]

Update: Actually going in the shop, I find that the wools, yarns, buttons, etc are still on sale at the back of the shop, but the front is an Indian newsagent. I don't know if the haberdashery stocks are being replanished though
== Line 12 == == Line 8 ==

I'm not in a position to add any content about this shop other than that it has been in existence at this location for >20 years --IvorW.

Currently (January 2004) closed for refurbishment. No idea when it will be open again - nobody is answering the phone.

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