The Open Guide to London: the free London guide - Differences between Version 9 and Version 8 of Gosh Comics

Version 9 Version 8
== Line 9 == == Line 9 ==
edit_type='Normal edit'
edit_type='Minor tidying'
== Line 13 == == Line 13 ==
== Line 18 ==

A wonderful comic shop on the corner of Museum Street and Great Russell Street, south of the British Museum, easily recognisable from a distance by it's blue and yellow Batman sign hanging outside.

Part owned by the television personality Jonathan Ross it has a good stock of new comics and graphic novels upstairs, plus original artwork, back issues and manga downstairs. It isn't however wheelchair friendly and is a bit cramped at the best of times.

They were once upon a time a buyer of second hand comics which they would then later sell on, but I don't believe they do this any more. Whether that is because of a surplus of stock, or what I can't say. - AlexMcLintock

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