The Open Guide to London: the free London guide - Differences between Version 5 and Version 4 of Orange Brewery, SW1W 8NE

Version 5 Version 4
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Alas no longer according to the bar staff today

A small pub with two smallish rooms (one with wood panelling) in Pimlico, equidistant between Victoria and Sloane Square. A small selection of Real Ales - all session bitters, and very well kept. Allegedly there is a brewery on site however it is widely suggested that brewing has not taken place for a few years (did not confirm this with the bar staff, however there was no sign of house beers anywhere).
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A small pub with two smallish rooms (one with wood panelling) in Pimlico, equidistant between Victoria and Sloane Square. A small selection of Real Ales - all session bitters, and very well kept. Allegedly there is a brewery on site however it is widely suggested that brewing has not taken place for a few years (did not confirm this with the bar staff, however there was no sign of house beers anywhere).

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A small pub with two smallish rooms (one with wood panelling) in Pimlico, equidistant between Victoria and Sloane Square. A small selection of Real Ales - all session bitters, and very well kept. Allegedly there is a brewery on site however it is widely suggested that brewing has not taken place for a few years (did not confirm this with the bar staff, however there was no sign of house beers anywhere).

Wireless internet from thecloud, although there was also a free access point from which this review was posted! Food served until 9pm, which we didn't try.

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