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Re: [grubstreet] GrubClone updates

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From: Earle Martin
Subject: Re: [grubstreet] GrubClone updates
Date: 13:59 on 04 Apr 2003
Okay, fair enough. Perhaps I can look into that one.

> > I'd rate InterWiki as an important feature for CGI::Wiki to have,
> Agreed, thanks, I'd forgotten that - it's on the CGI::Wiki to-do list
> now.  Is it essential for grubstreet as it stands at the moment though?

Not for Grubstreet, no.

> I know we already have RSS feeds of the
> recent changes; are people going to want to kill me with blunt knives
> if we move over to CGI::Wiki before I've implemented RSS?  "Yes - get
> on with it" is an acceptable answer.

I'm not sure how many people read the RecentChanges feed, but I know fairly
recently that mattb's been using it as a good example of extended RSS to
people. I wouldn't want to kill you with a blunt knife if it didn't go in,
but I'd be a little unhappy to lose a feature we already have, as opposed to
changing the way we do things a bit, like with your usernames

Sorry, I feel a bit like a backseat driver here....

$x='4a75737420616e6f74686572205065726c'#                    Earle Martin
.'206861636b65720d0a';for(0..26){print #  
chr(hex(substr($x,$y,2)));$y=$y+2;}    #

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