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[grubstreet] Re: Wiki Discussion/Pages For Pages Sake

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: [grubstreet] Re: Wiki Discussion/Pages For Pages Sake
Date: 23:29 on 28 Mar 2003
IvorW wrote:
> What's bugging me is that perhaps we should have an entry for every
> establishment, not just those we like or have a chance to review. If
> we did, there is a risk we might dilute the quality of the site as a
> whole. But with automatic geo- maps and the like, we could greatly
> increase the usefulness.
> In a nutshell: Are we trying to be an Egon Ronay guide or Yellow Pages?

Whichever.  Part of what I like about grubstreet is that our
conventions have evolved almost purely out of JFDI.  There was more
discussion at the beginning when we were just finding our feet, but as
things have progressed people are finding new ways to index and
categorise information and just *doing* them and getting use out of
them.  Roger and I have had great fun writing little standalone things
to scrape grubstreet and pull out information.  And the things that
have come out of this are very strongly directing the development of
CGI::Wiki and the GrubClones.

> Maybe a compromise is needed. I can see the benefits of having all the
> Underground and main line stations on Grubstreet, even without any
> information attached (apart from X-Y location and which line).

That'd be nice, and I bet it could be done with a scraper from
somewhere on

> Maybe we need a more comprehensive tagging system for work in
> progress, rather than just "Fix Please" and "Todo".

Go for it - via categories, maybe?


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