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Re: [grubstreet] When Categories Shift

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: Re: [grubstreet] When Categories Shift
Date: 10:06 on 19 Mar 2003
Non-dereferenced footnote?  It's not the easiest thing to google for :)

> - what's the current state of grubstreet thinking re hierarchical,
> indented categories of categories? esp. in context of the new version  
> - is there a workingness example of autoindexing that i could look at, and
> to what extent is that in the CGI::Wiki version?

I'm still thinking about the category plugin for CGI::Wiki.  The
categorisation on my dev grubstreet clone
is currently completely flat - a node can have a number of categories
attached to it, and you can search for everything in a given category,
but that's it; I haven't written anything to handle hierarchies yet.

My sticking point is thinking of a nice user interface for marking a
category as a subcategory of another.  I'm probably going to be
working on the same principle as the rest of the wiki here - no
voting, it's just JFDI and if someone disagrees with your
categorisation they will change it, just as if they disagree with your
streetmap link they will change it.

Ivor patched usemod to be able to find things as entries in a category

Not sure whether he put the code up anywhere.  He can probably explain
the way it works better than I can; it's ages since I looked at it.

> - might you consider using OWL for this? ;)
> [...]
> the OWL ontology i made is here:

Am I right in thinking that what you're asking is that wherever
possible we use the 'rdf:ID's there as category names for grubstreet?
Or something more complicated?

> i would borrow-and-repurpose the grubstreet categories rather than reusing
> them wholesale... as i would want to say things like 'JapaneseFoodShop'
> and 'JapaneseFoodRestaurant' rather than 'JapaneseFood', which in a
> logical sense would be referring to nigiri and natto and that.

grubstreet is using a bit of a mish-mash at the moment.  You'd find
Japanese food restaurants by finding things that are in both Category
Japanese Food and Category Restaurants - which seems logical on the
surface, but then there's the contradictory method of associating
restaurants with food by creating a 'Category Restaurants' node and
putting it in Category Food.  I need to think about this some more; it
only struck me when I was getting out of the bath this morning.

> so automatic updates/ fully machined infosharing wouldnt make sense, but
> i'd still like some way of being notified as a human when Categories
> shift.

I'm planning on having the categories handled by a specialised plugin,
so I'll be able to build this kind of thing into it.

Thanks for the ideas.


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