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Re: [grubstreet] CGI::Wiki simple metadata support

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: Re: [grubstreet] CGI::Wiki simple metadata support
Date: 13:47 on 03 Mar 2003
I'm afraid I'm not really sure what you mean here.  URLs?

> I got hit by not having Lingua/Stem either.... but figured out how to get 
> it from CPAN eventually. It was frustrating to hit this only when running 
> the database tool, and not the module itself.

Lingua::Stem is used by DBIx::FullTextSearch rather than directly by
CGI::Wiki.  It's kinda complicated because it's not actually a
*prerequisite* of either distribution.  It's optional for
DBIx::FullTextSearch, but CGI::Wiki::Setup::DBIxFTSMySQL is using the
stemming option of DBIx::FullTextSearch and hence the module is needed.
I'm not actually sure what to do about this; suggestions welcome.
I don't want to force people to install Lingua::Stem if they have no
intention of using the DBIx::FTS backend.

> I don't see that adding in more examples is creating bloatware. That is 
> like removing comments because they make scripts larger.

It depends, but as things stand nobody has sent me any examples, so it's
a moot point :)

> I suggest that the example wiki.cgi is enhanced with comments pointing out 
> where Kake has specified her own personal setup and that these should be 
> changed. I can do a diff for this if you don't have time.

Ooh, that'd be brilliant, thanks.

> I've also copied the SEARCHBOX macro into my
> Can we have that automatically somehow? ie if the search capability is 
> enabled then have the search box appear?

Can you explain more about how you'd like that to work?

> There doesn't seem to be any user preferences. Is that because they aren't 
> implemented in this version?

Yup.  I'm thinking they might be a good candidate for a plugin (which
hopefully someone who cares about them more than me will write) rather
than being in the core.

I've made a very brief start on updating the docs to reflect your
comments, thanks.


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