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[grubstreet] Re: Change to VCS::Lite

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From: Ivor Williams
Subject: [grubstreet] Re: Change to VCS::Lite
Date: 20:34 on 17 Feb 2003
----- Original Message -----
From: "Reuben Thomas" <>
To: <ivor.williams@xxxxxxx.xx.xx>
Sent: 17 February 2003 14:48
Subject: Change to VCS::Lite

> I recently implemented a simple Wiki in Perl, and found that RCS was just
> too irritating to use as the underlying storage system. I found VCS::Lite
> and it did almost exactly what I wanted, except that it didn't let me do
> in-memory patch().

Ooh! Excellent!

Are you aware of the CGI::Wiki module on CPAN, which might be of interest. Several of us are working on a drop-in replacement for    - Live site using usemod    - (out of date) Clone of grubstreet using CGI::Wiki

> Hence, I've modified patch so that it can take its argument from a list of
> strings, or (in a spirit of DWIM) a single string: if the string contains
> a newline, it's assumed to be a patch file, and if not, a filename.
> I attach the diff, which looks bigger than it really is, as I tidied up
> the formatting of the docs a bit.
> The changes are as follows:
> 1. Change patch as described above.
> 2. Move the subroutine equal from patch into merge, where it is actually
> used.
> 3. Change the default separator in the text and diff methods from '' to
> $/. This stops me getting back lines joined together when I'm not
> expecting it.
> 4. Bump the version to 0.03.

I will look to releasing the module soon. Thanks!

> I also notice that there's nothing about licensing in the file. My Wiki is
> GPLed (since I derived it from another GPLed Wiki) so I hope VCS::Lite is
> compatible with that? The main reason I need to know is that initially
> I'll need to package VCS::Lite with my Wiki code (until such time as a
> version that does what I want gets on to CPAN).

I will correct this lack of licence info. The intention is to license the module under the same terms as Perl, i.e. dual GPL /

> Thanks for this handy module.

You're welcome.

I'm also contemplating some methods for a udiff (i.e. diff -u) style patch, but I have found a lack of information about the syntax.
Having got Debian up at home, this should not prove too difficult though.

I'm also contemplating providing some utility scripts: vldiff, vlpatch, vlmerge (so as not to conflict with any operating system
supplied diff, patch or merge.


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