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Re: [grubstreet] CGI::Wiki simple metadata support

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: Re: [grubstreet] CGI::Wiki simple metadata support
Date: 12:08 on 03 Mar 2003
I generally try out each release on a variety of setups, some with all
the prerequisites and some without.  It's probably not a bad idea to put
the prerequisites in the INSTALL as well as the Makefile.PL, though, thanks.

> [alex@klute CGI-Wiki-0.20]$ perl Makefile.PL
> [...]
> Warning: prerequisite Class::Delegation failed to load: Can't locate 
> Class/ in @INC [...]
> Warning: prerequisite Test::MockObject failed to load: Can't locate 
> Test/ in @INC [...]

These lines and the others like them are actually how "the system" does
suggest installing its prerequisites.  The bulk of the work in
Makefile.PL is done by ExtUtils::MakeMaker, if you want to look at the
documentation there.  ExtUtils::MakeMaker is currently the recommended
way of making Makefiles, as far as I know, but there are other projects
underway to replace it, for example Module::Build (but I am currently
having a bit of trouble with that, and it is only in very early


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