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Re: [grubstreet] CGI::Wiki simple metadata support

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: Re: [grubstreet] CGI::Wiki simple metadata support
Date: 11:39 on 03 Mar 2003
Ah, this is a bug in the documentation :)  (There are many bugs in the
documentation; patches or even just notes like Alex's email are very
much welcomed.)  You need to run the plain old mysql one first to create
the database, and then the mysql-dbixfts one afterwards to create the
DBIx::FullTextSearch indexes in the database that you just created.

> What isn't clear is how to install it - oh, there is an examples directory. 
> With one example.

I don't want to bloat the distribution too much, but if anyone wants to
provide URLs to other, more diverse examples of using CGI::Wiki, then
I'd be happy to link to them in the docs.

Let me know if you are still having trouble after reading this mail -
this is a very quick reply (I'm at work) so as not to hold you up over
this small hitch.


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