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[grubstreet] Metadata Test Wiki

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From: Earle Martin
Subject: [grubstreet] Metadata Test Wiki
Date: 21:34 on 27 Feb 2003
Have a look:

As you can see, it takes things like postcode and lat/long and embeds them
into the rendered pages in RDF. This, in effect, will make us part of the
Semantic Web, insofar as it exists already.

The next step will be to merge this with Kake's upcoming plugin system and
get it going ina Usemod emulator stylee - at which point we will have to
transfer all the old data into the new database to get the metadata for each
page in the right place. Presumably this could be done in an automated
fashion, perhaps with a modified version of Ivor's wiki hoover.

Things still required:
- Recent Changes with minor/major (comment) system
-- RSS feed generator from the above

And...? [Fix Please]

When those are sorted out, we can roll out the new codebase!  

In the medium range future, I'm interested in merging our Category system
into the ontology system that zool has developed for her spacenamespace
project[0], with an aim of further integrating us into the SW.

[0] spacenamespace:
    the ontology:

rare mint ale

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