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Re: [grubstreet] Pub search

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: Re: [grubstreet] Pub search
Date: 22:33 on 09 Dec 2002
On Mon 09 Dec 2002, Ivor Williams <> wrote:
> Just a thought, can we add checkboxes for "Quiet pub" and "Function
> room". May need to add some more categories.
> Maybe the "Quiet pub" could be replaced with a dropdown list, with "Regular 
> Disco/Karaoke", "Live bands", "Bar music", "Jukebox", "No music".

Quickest way to do this is to set up some categories for the criteria
you want to search on, then put them on the Category Category page
under some heading that I can look for, same as the food categories.
Then I'll add a method to one of the modules to collect up those
categories and change the search script to pick those up instead of
having them hardcoded.


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