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Re: [grubstreet] Pub search

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From: Earle Martin
Subject: Re: [grubstreet] Pub search
Date: 00:43 on 11 Dec 2002
That was the effect I was looking for (no page margins considered harmful).
The word "Grubstreet" in the titles of both searches exactly lines up with
where it is on the index page, now, which is pleasing (at least, it should
in a decent browser).

Ah, sorry, I forgot something - if you could put the <h1> in a <div
id="header"> of its own, and *then* start the other div, that'll give you
the green strip like we have on the index page, and all will be happy and
joyful (except you, because I'm being annoying and not batching my change
requests - sorry again. I owe you a pint or three).

remain alert

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