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RE: [grubstreet] Layout, and issues therewith

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From: Ivor Williams
Subject: RE: [grubstreet] Layout, and issues therewith
Date: 14:04 on 13 Nov 2002
On Monday, November 11, 2002 7:42 PM, Earle Martin 
[] wrote:
> I was looking at today and decided that I like their layout a
> lot. It makes sense; having the toolbar links on the side of the page where
> you can see them easily is much nicer than their being stuck way down the
> bottom (or at the top, if you have that option set in your preferences). I
> don't want to have to scroll to search. So, I did some rude'n'crude hacking,
> and hereby present for your approval:

What's with the two search boxes?

Having two of them looks odd, and your new one doesn't work, as there is no 
HTML form surrounding it. It might be an idea to make the new one call my - changing to prettify and Grubstreetify it. All it needs 
is a param 'search'.


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