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Re: [grubstreet] Layout, and issues therewith

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From: Earle Martin
Subject: Re: [grubstreet] Layout, and issues therewith
Date: 16:10 on 26 Nov 2002
Hooray :)

> Could we possibly lose it for the pages displaying the
> editing forms, though?  It's not so useful there, and it's more
> annoying to lose the textbox width.

Hmm. I'm looking through the code - with my ugly modifications - right now
and I'm not sure if that's possible. The code that generates the edit page
is tangled up with the code that generates the HTML for every single page,
which is where I had to put the bit that inserts the sidebar.

I may be wrong - the UseMod code gives me a headache, as previously

( , if anyone wants to look at it - try sub DoEdit
and sub GetHtmlHeader.)

> I think I might have found a bug, too:
>   Can't use string ("GetRcHtml") as a subroutine ref while "strict refs"
>   in use at /home/earle/ line 612.

Yuck. That'll be a problem with the ModWiki patch, then. Not using strict
'solves' (read: ignores) this problem nicely.

irate rna mel

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