Historical version 2 of Wiki Discussion/Pretty Headings (view current version)

grubstreet: the open-source guide to London.

  • I really like the white on green of the grubstreet heading on the [main page]?. Any chance we could make the stylesheet do that for all (say) level 2 headings? I have an aversion to putting a lot of HTML in these things. Well, actually, I dislike all HTML in these things. But that's me. -- Jerakeen
  • Hm, not sure about that; it seems rather an obtrusive style to use globally. --Kake
  • Tell you what: people, work up some styles and whack them on a web page on your own site somewhere. Then we can all go look at them, pick suitable ones, and when we have a consensus I'll put them in the global stylesheet, or perhaps special classes that people can apply if they wish. -- Earle
This is version 2 (as of 2003-06-15 14:29:04). View current version. List all versions.