Historical version 3 of Wiki Discussion/Archiving Discussion (view current version)

Now that we have subheadings for topics of discussion, what is the need for archiving? Presumably, the topics themselves stay in the same place.

I would have thought that the distinction between live topics and old hat is somewhat arbitrary.

it's not that arbitrary, it's mainly decided by consensus. I dunno, I just thought moving a discussion "out of the way" when it would save people having to scroll three screens through old topics when this page is a year old or so. --Earle

I've just noticed that this new way of doing the discussions makes it difficult to archive just part of a given discussion. How should we go about doing that? Have a new set of subpages under "Archived Wiki Discussion" with the same names? If a topic is going to come up several times in the future, then its discussion page could get rather big. --Kake

How about (e.g.) "Templates for Tube Stations 2", or something? Something like this has already happened with one topic ("Naming conventions, continued"). --Earle

This is version 3 (as of 2003-08-04 10:03:48). View current version. List all versions.