Historical version 2 of Text Formatting Examples (view current version)

How to style your text

Plain Text

This is a simple sample paragraph. Paragraphs can have line breaks internally. To separate paragraphs, use a blank line.

Here is another paragraph.

Do not indent paragraphs, or your
text might look like this.

To create a horizontal line, type 4 or more minus/dash/hyphen (-) characters, like this: ----

Page, URL and Inter-Wiki Links

You can link to a page by putting two square brackets around one or more words [[Like This]] or [[this]].

Non-existing pages, like [Demo Link Please Don't Actually Create This]?, will be displayed with a question-mark for a link. The question mark link indicates the page doesn't exist yet - follow the link to create and edit the page. When the page exists, a link to it will be displayed like this: Text Formatting Examples. You can also give the link a title, [[Text Formatting Examples | like this]], which is displayed like this. Note the | symbol between the page name and link text.


The old-fashioned way of naming wiki pages was to SmushCapitalisedWordsTogetherLikeThis. This method is strongly discouraged here on grubstreet; in fact, we've turned it off since it's ugly.

You can make a link to another page by just typing the URL, e.g. http://grault.net/grubstreet/ . If you want, you can give the link some title text in this fashion.

[http://grault.net/grubstreet/ this fashion]

Inter-Wiki links: not yet implemented.

Bold and Italic Text

To mark text as bold or italic, you can use the HTML <b> and <i> tags if you wish (e.g. <b>bold</b>, <i>italic</i>, and <b><i>bold+italic</i></b>), or the traditional wiki method of text formatting:

  • ''Two single quotes'' for italics
  • '''Three single quotes''' for bold
  • '''''Five single quotes'''''</nowiki> for bold and italic.


Much as apostrophes are used to denote bold and italic, equals signs are used to denote headings. Thus:

= Heading 1 =
== Heading 2 ==
=== Heading 3 ===
==== Heading 4 ====
===== Heading 5 =====
====== Heading 6 ======

This is what's produced by the above:

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

Note those spaces between the equals signs and the text of the heading! It won't work otherwise. It also won't work if your numbers of equals signs are unbalanced:

not a heading


To display an image, use HTML IMG tags.

Please think carefully before displaying huge images on a page.


Unordered Lists

* First-level unordered list item
** Second-level unordered list item
*** Third-level unordered list item - etc.

This produces:

  • First-level unordered list item
    • Second-level unordered list item
    • * Third-level unordered list item

As you can see this is not yet fully implemented.

Ordered Lists

<nowiki># Ordered list item</nowiki>
<nowiki>## Second-level ordered list item</nowiki>
<nowiki>### Third-level ordered list item</nowiki>
<nowiki>### Second item of the same level gets an incremented number</nowiki>
<nowiki>*** You can shift back to bullets if you need to</nowiki>

This produces: # Ordered list item ## Second-level ordered list item ### Third-level ordered list item ### Second item of the same level gets an incremented number

  • * You can shift back to bullets if you need to

Definition Lists

<nowiki>;Term:Definition (indented)</nowiki>
<nowiki>;;Term (indented):Definition (indented two levels)</nowiki>
<nowiki>;;;Term (indented twice):Definition (indented to third level)</nowiki>

This produces: ;Term:Definition (indented) ;;Term (indented):Definition (indented two levels) ;;;Term (indented twice):Definition (indented to third level)

Indented Text

<nowiki>: Text to be indented (quote-block)</nowiki>
<nowiki>:: Text indented more</nowiki>
<nowiki>::: Text indented to third level</nowiki>

This produces:

 Text to be indented (quote-block)
 : Text indented more
 :: Text indented to third level

Preformatted Text

You can use the HTML <nowiki>

</nowiki> tag to present preformatted text, as in the following.

This is a chunk of

preformatted text. Lovely,

isn't it. Wiki links [like this]? won't work in this kind of preformatted text.

You can also use spaces at the beginning of lines, like this.

This is the starting-spaces version of
preformatted text. Note that wiki links like
Text Formatting Examples do work here.

Miscellaneous rules

;<nowiki><nowiki></nowiki>:The nowiki tag will stop the wiki processing any tags or wiki names. For example, on this page in all the places where HTML tags are mentioned by name, they're nowiki'ed, otherwise they wouldn't be displayed. Click the editing link below to see examples in context. ;[backslash]:Text on multiple lines with a <nowiki>\</nowiki> at the end of each line will be joined to form a single line. Example:

<nowiki>This \</nowiki>
<nowiki>is \</nowiki>
<nowiki>four \</nowiki>


This \ is \ four \ lines.

See also: Using Images.

This is version 2 (as of 2003-06-15 13:29:10). View current version. List all versions.