Historical version 3 of Bug Reports (view current version)

Please use this page to tell us about any problems you notice with the new OpenGuides software.

  • The software allows one to edit the page, but the editing box has to be scrolled horizontally as well as vertically (at least in some browsers). This can be remedied by adding wrap=soft to the textarea definition.

Known issues

  • Lots of pages have duplicate metadata (address, categories, etc) or it's in the "Content" section rather than the appropriate ones - these are artefacts of the process of switching from a freeform database to a structured one, and we're cleaning them all up by hand. If you spot some, please help out by cleaning them up. - Earle
  • There are lots of references to "Grubstreet" scattered throughout the Guide - pretty much the same thing. :) - E.
  • Nested lists - with multiple ** at the start of lines - don't work yet. I am working with the author of Text::WikiFormat to sort this out. --Kake
This is version 3 (as of 2003-06-29 03:40:20). View current version. List all versions.