Raven (Hammersmith)
- (020) 8748 6977
- 375 Goldhawk Road (map of this place)
- W6 0SA
- Nearby tube stops: Stamford Brook Station
This is a nice and apparently fairly unknown pub right opposite the main exit from Stamford Brook tube station (go across the zebra crossing and go left a bit). It's amazing how little there is about it on Google -- there doesn't seem to be a single page that mentions it other than in passing, but it's well worth a visit, particularly in the early evening, as it's just such a pleasant place to sit around in.
Scrumpy Jack �2.65 a pint, filter coffee �1.50. [Prices as of December 2003] Also a guest beer (Frolic Bitter the time I went there with mbm -- he says it was nice) and what looked like a decent choice of red and white wines.
Bread and olives �2.50, hummous and flatbread �3.50, soup of the day �4.50. Lots of other food: none looked veganable though there were two or three vegetarian options. The food is on the posh end of pub food and priced around �6-�10. Rob says it's good. [Prices as of December 2003]
Service and Ambience
The music is pretty good; I remember some Badly Drawn Boy amongst other stuff. Generally starts out quiet and gets turned up during the evening without ever actually getting in the way of conversation, but one time I was here it was way too loud, and the bartender couldn't bring himself to turn it down more than a tiny amount, possibly because the bar is quite a way from the speakers. We eventually ended up leaving in search of somewhere quieter. This was pretty much a one-off problem, but in general it is best to sit away from the speakers (which are on the wall opposite the bar) if you want to be able to chat to more than one person at a time.
The place has been pretty much empty at 5pm-6pmish the times I've been there (all weeknights), filling up later to the extent that most of the seats in the front room were taken by about 8pm but nobody actually had to stand up. A fairly quiet clientele, mostly male/female couples or small groups of younger people, the occasional person in a suit but also some slightly scruffy types. Several of the barstaff seem to drink here too.
The barstaff clear empty glasses and dirty ashtrays from the tables fairly frequently, even when it's busy.
Large open front bit -- low tables, sofas, low lighting, two open fires. I really like this bit. It feels spacious and cosy at the same time; it's a big room but the sofas and things are arranged in little islands of comfiness. There is at least one smaller room further back, with more bench-like seating.
The ladies' has real taps instead of those stupid push-top ones, and paper towels instead of a hand dryer, also on one or two occasions no fewer than three boxes of tissues.
There's a cigarette machine by the right-hand front door.