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[grubstreet] GrubClone updates

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: [grubstreet] GrubClone updates
Date: 23:05 on 29 Mar 2003
I also made a start at decent revision access - there is now a link at
the bottom of each node (apart from those nodes which have no previous
versions) to "List all versions", which displays a list for you to
view any previous version in full.  I haven't started on nice diff
display yet, but I am quite keen on the way Wikipedia does it.  I'm
considering playing with Text::ParagraphDiff, which is a display-ish
wrapper around Algorithm::Diff, but it'll need subclassing to override
its header and footer methods.

GrubClone does however suck as a secure script since I hate writing
CGIs.  There are probably loads of places where I've failed to escape
user-input data.  NMS would not be pleased.  (Note these comments
apply to GrubClone, not CGI::Wiki.)

Anyhow, a productive Saturday - please please make comments,
especially if your favourite usemod feature is missing from GrubClone.
I think we are quite close to moving grubstreet over to CGI::Wiki now.

CGI::Wiki is as always available on CPAN, and the source and templates
for the GrubClone are linked from its front page.

Alex - how are you getting on with CGI::Wiki?  Any feature requests?


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