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Re: [grubstreet] A Grubstreet map

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From: Alex McLintock
Subject: Re: [grubstreet] A Grubstreet map
Date: 14:04 on 11 Feb 2003
>This is my first attempt. Apologies if your email clients can't handle 
>HTML or if the message is auto spam blocked. However, sending as HTML 
>seemed like the easiest way to send it.

So this is what exactly? a PNG +ImageMap generated from several grubstreet 
articles which mention a postcode and thus specify a location.
But so far you have only included pubs and tube stations. Presumably that 
is because it isn;t finished yet?

A background image for the png would be a lot better than the blue I am 
seeing. Do you want me to draw one?

I'd just take an A-Z map and (by hand) draw in several roads and localities.

Alex McLintock

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