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Discussion on OpenGuides development has now moved to OpenGuides-Dev. Discussion on The Open Guide to London now takes place on OpenGuides-London.

The ??? guide to london (was RE: [grubstreet] License)

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From: Ivor Williams
Subject: The ??? guide to london (was RE: [grubstreet] License)
Date: 16:01 on 08 Jan 2003
On Sunday, January 05, 2003 4:22 PM, Kate L Pugh [SMTP:kake@xxxxx.xx] wrote:
> On Sun 05 Jan 2003, Earle Martin <> wrote:
> > "Open Source" is also not something that means much to Joe and Jane
> > Average. I move that the slogan be modified to "The free guide to
> > London", as in beer and speech. I can write a page to explain that
> > if need be.
> "free" as in speech suffers from exactly the same problem as "open
> source" though -- most people don't know what it means.  Also, try
> googling for "free guide to London" and you get loads of hits.  We
> need something that is immediately understandable, and that stands out
> as a catchphrase.  Dunno what that'd be, though.

How about "The Open Community Guide to London"?

It's nicely ambiguous, both parsings being appropriate to Grubstreet.
Whaddya think?


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