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[grubstreet] Documentation for the search?

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From: Kate L Pugh
Subject: [grubstreet] Documentation for the search?
Date: 20:20 on 17 Dec 2002
Specifically, I'm wondering why a search on
  ( takeaway | takeaway;)           [0]
as does one on
  ( takeaway | takeaway).*fulham    [1]
but one on
  ( takeaway | takeaway;).*fulham   [2]

It doesn't look like the search is just ignoring the ';' character,
since search [0] works.  Can anyone help me figure this out?  I tried
substituting ',' and ':' for the ';' and had the same results.

Also I have a bug report; searching on just '(' or ')' gives an
internal server error.


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