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RE: [grubstreet] Deleting obstinate pages

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From: Ivor Williams
Subject: RE: [grubstreet] Deleting obstinate pages
Date: 12:00 on 17 Dec 2002
On Monday, December 16, 2002 5:19 PM, Ivor Williams 
[] wrote:
> Earle (or someone else with a shell on should be able to fix the
> problem with Taza, W2 4QJ   (duplicated entry). You should be able to do the
> following:
> rm /home/earle/,_W2_4QJ_

Note for admins (now that I am one, I have verified this):

The above is a dirty hack and b0110x3d potentially. The way to deal with a 
wayward page is to specify the name explicitly, using underscores for spaces 
(include an extra trailing underscore for a stray trailing blank) and getting 
the case absolutely right. Once you do this, the normal admins' editlinks 
facility correctly handles it.

> Anyway, this might be highlighting an issue with the "new page creator", in
> that this allows you to create pages with trailing blanks (underscores) and
> with words that are not ucfirst - both of which lead to inaccessible pages
> that  are superseded when a correctly formed page is put in - by traversing a
> missing  link for example.

I still reckon we should build this in to


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