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Re: [grubstreet] New Home Page and Layout

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From: Earle Martin
Subject: Re: [grubstreet] New Home Page and Layout
Date: 19:54 on 06 Dec 2002
In IE6/Win. I just downloaded Mozilla, and it displays it properly as
floating on the left. Opera 6.05/Win's CSS support is horrendous, and makes
the toolbar huge and bloated. I have no idea why. 

> Oh, and the front-page search isn't working, as mentioned in my earlier
> post. Ivor?

I've commented out the search box on the front page until we get it working.
The search boxes in the wiki itself still work, although, strangely, they
call the default UseMod search - even though the <form> tags point to the
new search script! This is another thing I can't explain (yet).

rare in metal

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