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RE: [grubstreet] Ivor's search script

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From: Ivor Williams
Subject: RE: [grubstreet] Ivor's search script
Date: 10:02 on 30 Oct 2002
On Tuesday, October 29, 2002 6:05 PM, Earle Martin 
[] wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 29, 2002 at 09:50:38AM +0000, Kate L Pugh wrote:
> > I like the way that the matches are highlighted in the results, also
> > the little summary that you get under the page name.
> <aol />
> > *Rendering* the summary would be absolutely ace
> As in the wiki markup? Personally, I'd quite like to see all the markup
> stripped out from the search results, which would be an easy matter of
> removing [[ and ]]'s, ==='s and so on, and using an existing module to strip
> out HTML (TokeParser or something like that, I guess).

At the moment, the search presents the raw wiki text, including its and HTML 
markup commands, up to 60 characters either side of the match. Newlines are 
munged by the browser. Can you suggest a better alternative?

> Another comment - Ivor, some of the editing history data seems to be showing
> up. See the second result for a search for 'admins' as an example.

Ah! interesting - there might me some subtleties in the 'anatomy' that I have 
missed. Any chance you could post as attachments the contents of 
keep/ and page/HomePage.db so that I can look at it.


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