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[grubstreet] Anatomy of Usemod

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From: Ivor Williams
Subject: [grubstreet] Anatomy of Usemod
Date: 15:28 on 09 Oct 2002
    + keep/
    | |
    | - A/
    | |
    | + M/
    | | |
    | | + MyTopic/
    | | | |
    | | | |
    | | |
    | | |
    | |
    | - Z/
    + page/
    | |
    | - A/
    | |
    | + M/
    | | |
    | | + MyTopic/
    | | | |
    | | | | SubTopic.db
    | | |
    | | | MyTopic.db
    | |
    | - Z/
    - temp/
    + user/
    | |
    | + 0/
    | | |
    | | | 1000.db
    | |
    | - 2
    | |
    | - 3
    | |
    | - 4
    | |
    | - 5
    | |
    | - 6
    | |
    | - 7
    | |
    | - 8
    | |
    | - 9
    | diff_log
    | rclog

Apologies if you find my ASCII-art directory tree difficult to follow.

Under the Wiki data root ($DataDir), you have 4 directories: keep, page, temp 
and user. Keep and page each have subdirectories of single capital letters. All 
the topics beginning with a particular letter will live in its directory. The 
page subdirectory contains a file for each wiki page, of the form EntryName.db, 
e.g. page/M/MyTopic.db. There will be corresponding entries under keep, in 
keep/M/ if any changes have been made to MyTopic - the .kp file holds 
the change history. Subtopics e.g. [[MyTopic/SubTopic]] are in subdirectories 
off this.

Under the user directory are digit subdirectories containing user profiles for 
all the user IDs ending in each digit.

diff_log and rclog are used to build the RecentChanges page.

The files store the wiki information in clear ASCII, so it would be very easy 
for us to write munging utility scripts. Flag data is delimited by a single 
control character. It looks like an easy job to pull out the pages if we wanted 
to migrate off Usemod, or to rewrite Usemod if we really wanted to.

Thoughts please,


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